(270) 821-8294




CLICK HERE to be Directed to the Hopkins County COVID-19 Information Page


Kentucky COVID-19 website – A comprehensive list of COVID-19 information Kentuckians need, including the latest facts on numbers, actions taken by state government, and links to relevant resources.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


File for Unemployment Insurance – Kentucky Career Center

Apply for Medicaid only - Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange website or call the Kentucky Healthcare Customer Service line toll-free at (855) 459-6328

Public Assistance (SNAP, KTAP, etc) – Department for Community Based Services

WIC – contact the Hopkins County Health Department at 270-821-5242


Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Pennyroyal Center Crisis Number: 1-877-473-7766


Emergencies: dial 911

Central Dispatch: 270-821-1720

Hopkins County Sheriff: 270-821-5661

TO REPORT CHILD ABUSE/NEGLECT: 877-597-2331 or 800-752-6200




                                                September 17, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.

The Regular Meeting of the Hopkins County Fiscal Court was held at Hopkins County Government Center and was called to order by Hopkins County Judge Executive.   Invocation was given by Shane Browning.   Roll call was taken and a quorum was established with all Magistrates being present.  

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 3, 2013 minutes - Motion by Magistrate Toney and seconded by Magistrate Welch to approve the September 3, 2013 minutes. Motion carried.  



REPORT OF COUNTY CLERK: Nothing to report.  

REPORT OF SHERIFF: Nothing to report.

REPORT OF JAILER: Nothing to report.  

REPORT OF TREASURER:  A) General Fund in the amount of $81054.96; Road Fund in the amount of $17502.38; Jail Fund in the amount of $58513.01; LGEA Fund in the amount of $24176.55, Total all Funds $181246.90. Motion to approve payment of claims by Magistrate Larry Wilson and seconded by Magistrate Maurice Wilson. Motion carried.


B) Quarterly Payments – Motion to approve by Magistrate Larry Wilson and seconded by Magistrate Toney. Motion carried.


C) Treasurer’s Report – Motion to approve by Magistrate Larry Wilson and seconded by Magistrate Maurice Wilson. Motion carried.


Department Reports: Jeff Browning, Road Foreman stated that Saturday, September 21, 2013 is the day set for the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day.


The State had notified Hopkins County Fiscal Court that the Otter Lake Dam needed to be mowed and cleaned up. The Road Department and the Hopkins County Jail’s Road Crew had cleaned the Dam.   Magistrate Larry Wilson stated that he had gotten a call in the area the both crews had done a remarkable job.  


Mosquito Spraying has been done and is continuing to be done in other areas in the County. The costs of chemicals for the mosquito spraying has been costly and that this should be a separate line item in next year’s budget.


Report of Magistrates/Committee: Magistrate Toney stated the Recreation Building and Grounds Committee has met to discuss the renovation portion of the old courthouse for the Central Dispatch.   Motion to approve the costs of renovation to be paid by the 911 funds and not to exceed $150,000.00 was approved by Magistrate Toney and seconded by Magistrate Maurice Wilson. Motion carried.


Old Business: None

NEW BUSINESS: A) Approve 2013 Extension District Rates - Motion to approve by Magistrate Beshears and seconded by Magistrate Roberts. Motion carried.


B) Pauper Burial – Bandy Funeral Home - Motion to approve the pauper burial and payment of $500.00 to Bandy Funeral Home by Magistrate Toney and seconded by Magistrate Groves. Motion carried.


C) Resolution 2013-10 and Agreement between Commonwealth of Kentucky, Transportation Cabinet & Hopkins County Fiscal Court – Rural Secondary Funds in the amount of $260,051.00. Motion to approve Resolution 2013-10 and agreement by Magistrate Welch and seconded by Magistrate Larry Wilson. Motion carried.


D) Approve Bids for Demolition Clean-up – Lowest Bids

Motion to approve Demolition Bids by Magistrate Welch and seconded by Magistrate Toney. Motion carried.


E) Accept Bids for Surplus Vehicles Highest Bids:



Motion to approve the bids for the surplus vehicles by Magistrate Beshears and seconded by Magistrate Roberts. Motion carried.


F) Appointment of Jenny Sewell to PACS Board - Motion to approve appointment by Magistrate Beshears and seconded by Magistrate Larry Wilson. Motion carried.



G) Appointment of Bob Dampier to Economic Development Board - Motion to approve appointment by Magistrate Larry Wilson and seconded by Magistrate Groves. Motion carried.


Announcements: Services Pins:


Library has a Challenge to raise funds by individuals making any amount of monetary donation and challenging someone to match it.


Samaritan House – Meet and Greet at EMA on October 7th at 5:00 to establish a homeless shelter in Hopkins County.


Grievances from citizens:   None of record.

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Magistrate Roberts and seconded by Magistrate Toney.    Motion carried.


                                                            Donald E. Carroll

                                                            HOPKINS COUNTY JUDGE EXECUTIVE

Close of Court – September 17, 2013

The foregoing minutes were presented by Fiscal Court Reporter Kim Blue, corrected where necessary, and signed by the presiding Judge with the approval of the Magistrates present.
